Google Algorithm Updates

Google Search Algorithm Updates: Should You Even Care?

Google Search Algorithm Updates: Should You Even Care?

​You would have to live under a rock for years not to know that Google updates search algorithms from time to time. Those changes may be major ones or they can be minor tweaks that create new editions or versions of the current algorithm. If you have an online presence that's connected with generating income, you can bet that being aware of those changes matter. ... Read More

Google’s Evolution: Increasing or Decreasing Traffic to Your Pages?

Google’s Evolution - Increasing or Decreasing Traffic

Once upon a time, the major search engines offered website owners a simple deal: let us display some of your data and we’ll direct users to your site. That’s the way it was for many years, but everything eventually changes. There are those who believe the enhancements that Google (and subsequently some of the less popular search engines) has implemented in recent years does more to keep users moving through their search results instead of clicking directly through to websites. ... Read More

Google's Maccabees Update: What Does That Mean For Your Pages?

Google's Maccabees Update

The announcement of any major update by Google is enough to cause concern about page rankings and online reputations. While minor tweaks are happing regularly, it’s the big ones that capture most of the attention. Such is the case with Google’s December 2017 update. Maccabees has been in place long enough now for webmasters and business owners to know if they need to make some changes. Here are some things to look at closely if you want to benefit from this latest update. ... Read More

SEO Today: Understanding When and How Rankbrain Impacts Search Engine Optimization

SEO Today - When and How Rankbrain Impacts SEO

SEO is more involved than merely including relevant keywords and phrases in web content. One of the more recent innovations to rank your pages higher in search engine results involves the use of artificial intelligence. More specifically, AIO (or Artificial Intelligence Optimization) is creating quite a bit of buzz with website and blog owners. When it comes to AIO, it’s hard to beat what RankBrain has to offer. ... Read More

SSL Certification: What You Need to Do Now and Why

SSL Certification What You Need to Do and Why

You’ve heard of Secure Sockets Layer before but perhaps it’s not been all that prominent on your radar. Much of your focus has been on putting together the most user-friendly website that you can. A lot of attention was paid to developing quality content, using the right images and in general making sure the site is informative and easy to navigate. ... Read More

Fred and Your Blogs: Will Your Rankings Survive?

Fred and Your Blogs - Will Your Rankings Survive

Just about everyone from casual users to business owners know Google is constantly refining algorithms. Now and again, a major update is released that captures attention. The release of Fred in early 2017 has already affected the rankings for a number of web pages. If you haven’t noticed a change in your traffic patterns, hold on. It’s coming. ... Read More

How Penguin 4.0 Has Changed SEO

How Penguin 4.0 Has Changed SEO

With Google’s latest Penguin 4.0 update being rolled out fairly recently, many SEO experts and web content developers want to know what sort of effect this algorithm change will have on their online activities in the future. Check this article to find a few of the changes you can expect to see being unrolled in the next few months. ... Read More

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